Monday, August 28, 2017

24 weeks

How far along? 24 weeks, 6 days - look at me remembering to blog on time!! 

Total weight gain/measurements: 18 ish lbs. I feel like I did better with more protein and less sweets this week. I made an effort, at least LOL. 

Maternity clothes: Maternity shorts. Maternity workout pants! OMG! Buying workout maternity clothes has made my life amazing. It's sooo much more comfortable!! 

Sleep: I did finally order an okay to wake clock for the baby (well, I bought it off a BST) but I haven't gotten it yet, so I'm still getting the 2 am wake up with Evelyn. Last night was so creepy. I heard her crying. I heard her leave her room. I heard her come in my room...then I opened my eyes and she was right in front of my face staring at me, not making any noise. UGH. But I feel like that's a parenting thing...she was bound to do it eventually. 

Best moment this week: We celebrated Evelyn's birthday as a family yesterday. We went to the science and history museum and then finished the day with Sweet Sammies - basically ice cream and cookie sandwiches. YUM! Then tonight we ate some amazing sushi. Everyone should try Wabi Sabi Sushi in North Fort Worth! 

Miss anything? I miss my pelvis not being super out of wack. On Friday I went to the chiro because I couldn't walk. I pulled some ligament or muscle or something. While the chiropractor was having me stretch it out, I was almost in tears. Evelyn thought this was hysterical and laid down on the floor next to me and proceeded to yell "Oh ow ow!" Thanks, Kid. Anyway, that never happens when you're not pregnant, so...yeah. 

Movement: Still lots of movement! I kind of take for granted how much he moves, but I love it! He's constantly reassuring me he's there. 

Food cravings: Grapefruit, but really all fruit. Rice. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? If I eat too much or too quickly, I have to lay down afterward HAHA. 

Gender: Baby boy

Labor signs: No! 

Symptoms: Heartburn is more miss than hit this week, thank goodness. My whole body hurts. I have this big ol' belly. Still a little nausea and I require a nap every single day or I'm a cranky, tired mess by 7 pm.  

Belly button in or out? Flatter and flatter!  

Wedding rings on or off? Off.

Happy or moody most of the time: Moody. SO SO SO moody. 

Looking forward to: Meet the Teacher is on Wednesday for Evelyn!! A lot of my friends with kids going into preschool are really sad and weepy but I am so excited. I love back to school time! Also, this weekend is the big Just Between Friends sale in Fort Worth! I can't wait! I am on the lookout for boutique clothing for Evelyn and a swing for baby brother. 

Sunday, August 20, 2017

22/23 weeks

How far along? 23 weeks 5 days - turns out being home on Sunday didn't help me remember to blog last week. 

Total weight gain/measurements: 18 lbs. I need less sweets and more protein. So far that's not happening. 

Maternity clothes: I bought some maternity skinny jeans but idk why because it's way too hot for pants. I had good intentions, though. 

Sleep: Didn't sleep so great last night. Still having a 2 am wake up every night. I honestly kind of wait for Evelyn to wake up and come get in bed with me because it's every night at 2 am. I need to get her an "okay to wake" clock and see if that helps any because I am not okay with 2 am wake ups. 

Best moment this week: Evelyn turned two yesterday! I can't believe my little bitty is a big girl! She loves her baby "brudder." We are boring. OH, we graduated to the couch room at the birthing center HAHA. This is way more comfy than the exam room, so I was pretty excited about that. 

Miss anything? I don't really feel like I'm missing out on anything this time! 

Movement: Okay so last blog post I was saying that he was lazy compared to Evelyn..that was a dirty lie. He is so much more active and crazy. Last night I was WATCHING him kick me! I don't remember seeing Evelyn until well into the third trimester. 

Food cravings: Cupcakes. Grapefruit. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really. Thank goodness! 

Gender: Baby boy

Labor signs: No! 

Symptoms: My heartburn went away...then last night it reared it's ugly head again. It HURT so bad and I could not fall back asleep!! Also, I went to the chiro yesterday and she was like "wtf is wrong with you, you're in terrible shape!" and I was like "yeah, I'm pregnant." I'm not sure I'm going to be able to go only once a month. 

Belly button in or out? Getting flat! I think I might manage an outtie this time, but Mike doesn't seem as invested as he was with E lol.  

Wedding rings on or off? Off.

Happy or moody most of the time: I cry all the time. Over everything. Forever. 

Looking forward to: idk we aren't really doing anything this week. Mike says we are looking forward to Evelyn starting preschool but that's not until after labor day and hopefully I will remember to update the blog before that, HAHA. 

Sunday, August 6, 2017

20/21 Weeks

How far along? 21 weeks, 5 days - going on vacation totally threw off my blogging game. Now that we are home again on Sundays I will hopefully get back on track! 

Total weight gain/measurements: 12 lbs. as of my last appt but I feel like that's probably not true. I ate SOOO much good food on vacation and I had to have gained weight from that. 

Maternity clothes: Still maternity shorts and lularoe, all day every day!

Sleep: Still waking up around 2 am for a bathroom break. I've been doing better about going right back to sleep compared to when we were on vacation. 

Best moment this week: On Friday, Sarah took me and mom out to celebrate my birthday! We got fancy pedicures, ate a delicious Italian dinner, and painted signs at Board and Brush. Then on Saturday, Mike, Evelyn and I basically spent all day in our pjs until we went to the pool at 5 pm. It was awesome. 

Miss anything? Sometimes I get sad about margaritas, but for the most part I don't really feel like I'm missing out.   

Movement: He's been getting a little more active, which is nice. He's still pretty chill compared to Evelyn, but honestly, it's hard to compare because I keep comparing end of pregnancy Evelyn to middle of pregnancy baby boy. 

Food cravings: None really. Wait, jk. The other night I was super craving a sugar cookie double doozie from the mall. I guess I've been craving sweets, which is weird because I never did with Evelyn. In fact, I swore them off. Who knows!  

Anything making you queasy or sick? I threw up the other night at 2 am, I think because I took my prenatals in the middle of the night on an empty stomach. Ugh. 

Gender: Baby boy

Labor signs: No! 

Symptoms: Heartburn ALL THE DAMN TIME. WHYYYYYY???? I hate it! I've never really had heartburn in my life and now it's an every day occurrence. UGH. Itchy hands, still. Still throwing up, obviously. And omg I am so tired y'all...literally can't get enough rest. I take two hour naps every day, I sleep about 8-9 hours every's ridiculous how tired I am. Where is my second trimester energy?! 

Belly button in or out? In.  

Wedding rings on or off? Off.

Happy or moody most of the time: So moody and weepy. Everything makes me angry and everything makes me cry. I came home after my birthday celebration and sobbed for 20 minutes. I think I scared Mike. I am just a wreck. 

Looking forward to: we have a pretty chill week coming some LuLaRoe business to take care of, but nothing too exciting. Next baby appt is Aug 15th! Yay!