Sunday, July 26, 2015

Week 35: Happy Birthday to Me!

(I think this is the best I have looked in one of these pictures in a LONG time. That's a bonus to taking the picture in the morning instead of right before bedtime LOL)

How far along? 35 weeks, 3 days (look at how "early" we are! It's a miracle!) 

Total weight gain/measurements: 33 lbs until Tuesday when I learn better. 

Maternity clothes: Yes, yes. 

Sleep: Officially up by 6 am every morning because my hips can't take it anymore. This bed is miserable, but I can't get off the couch, so I can't sleep on that. Also, I wake up AT LEAST three times a night to pee, although last night it was SIX. SIX TIMES. That's even more than any time in the first trimester. 

Best moment this week: It was my birthday on Friday! And Joey and Trisha and Josie and Landry are in town! I got Mary Kay spa goodies from the Gilmers for my birthday, a massage and a pedicure from mom and dad for my birthday AND a massage from Mike for my birthday! We got pedicures yesterday...heavenly. And of course, as tradition requires, we went to Joe T's for my birthday lunch today! 

Miss anything? My hips and legs not aching all the time. :( 

Movement: Definitely not as obvious kicks anymore. But I feel every time she rolls over and adjusts herself, so I am not freaking out because it happens all the time. :) 

Food cravings:  Breakfast food! And Mexican food, of course. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really! 

Gender: Baby girl. 

Labour signs: Still having some cramps, but no braxton hicks this week. We think she might be dropping into position. 

Symptoms: Swollen EVERYTHING...sausage toes, giant hands, my nose is swollen?! I pee 833434 times a night. And man, there was something that I was like "oh that is SO a pregnancy symptom, I'm going to put that in my blog" but I have no idea what it was!! :( So, pregnancy brain is still there. 

Belly button in or out? The top little lip is poking out! Mike is SO EXCITED. 

Wedding rings on or off? Everything is off. Just can't do it anymore. 

Happy or moody most of the time: Mike says moody. I threw a giant temper tantrum over wine. Sorry, friends. Also barely refrained from throwing a temper tantrum in Buy Buy Baby because they didn't have my stroller and car seat in stock and neither did the warehouse so it has to come from Britax directly so it won't be here in time for my shower. I might have scared the sales guy. 

Looking forward to: At some point this week we will go to the zoo! And maybe the Perot Museum! And swimming at my pool! So many good things to come this week. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Week 34...the most boring blog yet.

How far along? 34 weeks, 6 days

Total weight gain/measurements: 33 lbs as of my last appointment. 

Maternity clothes: The dress in this picture is not a maternity dress? Everything else I wear is. 

Sleep: Well, last night I went to sleep at 2 am! But that was because we had to pick mom and dad up from the airport at 10:30 in Dallas, then I drove home, then I had to go through my bedtime routine...I took a three hour nap this afternoon to make up for it. 

Best moment this week: Mom is back in my time zone! Mike and I also had two really great date nights this week, after not having one for a while. 

Miss anything? Just the usual baths, margaritas, and being able to turn over in bed.

Movement: Whenever I drive, which is a lot, my forearm rests against my belly and Evelyn just kicks at it. I took my elbow off and Mike put his hand on and she was like nope. Not kicking for you. 

Food cravings:  Breakfast food! I want waffles and pancakes all the time. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really! 

Gender: Baby girl. 

Labour signs: Braxton hicks are picking up a little. Usually during eating? Feeling a little crampy the past couple of days! 

Symptoms: Swollen ankles, lots of kicking, exhaustion...oh I am so tired.  

Belly button in or out? Flat like a pancake. Mmm, pancakes. 

Wedding rings on or off? Engagement ring is off. Not sure how long the wedding band will last. 

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy? I get sad over things but I get over them really quickly. I think I've been mostly happy. 

Looking forward to: My birthday is Friday! I'll be 28! :O Also on Friday, Joey, Trisha, Josie and Landry will be here for a week! This means next week will be full of super exciting updates, unlike this blog which is super boring. Sorry. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Week 33 and birth plans

How far along? 33 weeks, 6 days

Total weight gain/measurements: 33 lbs as of Tuesday. Not terrible. I was impressed that I didn't gain a ton in the past two weeks. 

Maternity clothes: I did buy more maternity shirts. I got some cute tanks at Old Navy. :) 

Sleep: I did not sleep well last night. It is so arduous to turn over now. My knee still hurts from falling, so I have to get in bed funny and then when I try to turn over and change positions, it takes like 5 minutes. Once I'm situated, I can fall asleep pretty quickly, but getting situated takes FOREVER. 

Best moment this week: My church shower was this past weekend! There were waffles! And my favorite ladies! It was such a blessing to be surrounded by such good friends who have prayed for Mike and Evelyn and me before Evelyn even existed. 

Miss anything? Hot baths! I don't know how this came up at my shower but I realized that I REALLY miss hot baths. Like steaming hot. So hot, you could probably eat me for dinner. Ugh. Someday I will return to you, bath tub. For now, I hate lukewarm water so I am just avoiding you. 

Movement: She was sleeping at our appointment yesterday and Hope (one of the midwives) was feeling around to make sure she was still head down (she is!). Well, Evelyn did NOT like that at all. When we did the doppler her heart was racing and then after the doppler, she was kicking and thrashing around so I knew how upset she was. Girlfriend, I get it. It wasn't comfortable for mommy either. I'm pretty sure she's using my bladder as a pillow, which is super inconvenient. 

Food cravings:  Breakfast food! Water. That's not food, but I am drinking a ridiculous amount of water. So much so that I asked Hope if I should be concerned. She said no, so we'll just go with it. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? I had random nausea last night?? I hadn't even eaten recently. Pregnancy is weird. 

Gender: Baby girl. 

Labour signs: I keep saying I want her to come early, but I am not at all prepared for another life! Ahhhh. I keep thinking I will get it all together, but it's still not happening. I'm a mess. 

Symptoms: My toes swell up like fat little sausages. I pee ALL THE TIME (bladder pillow). I am the size of a house. You can see Evelyn moving from the outside! I have super pregnancy brain. 

Belly button in or out? Flat like a pancake. 

Wedding rings on or off? I think my engagement ring might have to come off soon. It's a little smaller than my wedding ring, I guess. 

Happy or moody most of the time: I'm having crazy mood swings. Today I was furiously angry, then I texted Mike telling him how angry I was and then that made me want to cry. He's really excited I'm going to mom and dad's tonight and is hoping I can hold off on my daily cry until I'm there hahaha. 

Looking forward to: I'm not really sure. I guess I'm looking forward to mom and dad getting home from vacation next week even though they haven't even left yet LOL. OH! I have free tickets to NRH20 this Saturday! So I will hopefully get to go to that with Mike or someone, if he can't go. 

I've been given a task by my midwife to come up with a birth plan. Instead of coming up with them, I've just been reading everyone else's on the internet. It's hard to make a birth plan for a birth center, because a lot of the stuff that is on "birth plan generators" is for hospital births and they don't really apply. Did any of you have a birth plan? What kind of things did you put on yours? Bonus points for natural births, out of hospital births, and/or even having one. 

PS: this is not the time to tell me about how you wrote this elaborate birth plan and it didn't work out. I'm not an idiot. I know that things happen and I need to be open to whatever. Just humor me. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

32 Weeks aka Mom's Least Favorite Holiday

How far along? 32 weeks, 6 days

Total weight gain/measurements: 30 lbs as of the last appointment. I don't even go near a scale unless someone makes me get on one. 

Maternity clothes: Tonight Mike was like "ugh you're always wearing my shirts" so I said "okay fine, I'll just go buy a bunch of new shirts!" and he said "is that really what you want?" and I said "um yes, do you know how much it sucks to wear shirts that don't fit you?" and then he told me to do whatever makes me happy, so I'm going shopping. 

Sleep: I am getting home around 3 pm, taking a two hour nap, staying in bed until Mike gets home around 7 and then going back to bed at 9. I am unhappy with how late I am awake right now. 

Best moment this week: We had my camp shower on Sunday! Everyone was so sweet and really blessed us and baby Bluebonnet (that's her camp name...adorable!). Also, I got to see Allison and Cody!!! It's been almost a year since I saw Cody and about 10 months since I saw Allison? Love them! So excited Allison will be here for my shower this weekend. :) 

Miss anything? Still miss sleeping however I want. But mostly, no. Life isn't that different pregnant vs. non-pregnant except for the giant belly. 

Movement: Evelyn kicks and kicks when I wake up from my naps. I like to think she's glad to see me return to the land of the living. 

Food cravings:  Fruit. Nom nom nom. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really! 

Gender: Baby girl. 

Labour signs: No, thank goodness. Too soon. Wait a few more weeks, baby girl. 

Symptoms: Heartburn...after sleeping, not eating. Weird. My ankles are swelling a little less since it's not quite as hot. 

Belly button in or out? Pretty flat! Still not out, to Mike's disappointment. 

Wedding rings on or off? On! But they come off after summer school. About half a day is long enough for them. 

Happy or moody most of the time: Still pretty moody. That seems to be normal for girl moms though. And me. I am just moody. 

Looking forward to: my church shower is this Saturday! It's a brunch, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE brunch. And my church friends. And baby stuff. It's just a win win. 

FYI, I hate the Fourth of July. It is loud, noisy, and potentially deadly. But I think my for real least favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because I hate Thanksgiving food. It's true. I know I'm like the only person in the world who feels this way, but turkey and pumpkin pie are disgusting. 

And, in case you're wondering, here's me in the same dress at 16 weeks, 24 weeks, and today. Notice that today my belly no longer fits in the frame. I'm the size of a house. A HOUSE. And lol at how I look more and more tired each picture. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

31 weeks

How far along? 31 weeks, 6 days

Total weight gain/measurements: 30 lbs. Happy to report I went to visit the midwives today and in the past two weeks I only gained 2 lbs! Not sure why because I did literally nothing differently. 

Maternity clothes: Yes, always. 

Sleep: I am about to go to sleep as soon as it hits 8 pm. I was stressed out this morning and have been up since good for this tired mama. 

Best moment this week: We went to our first prenatal visit with the midwives today and I am SO HAPPY with our decision to change practices. We got to see Evelyn and watch her flop around. I feel so comfortable with the two midwives I have met and I am eager to meet the other two as well. Just the whole vibe at the practice is totally different. I love it! OH and we had our maternity pictures taken, which was so fun. I can't wait to see them! 

Miss anything? I miss sleeping in any position I choose. :( Especially on my back, but occasionally on my stomach too. 

Movement: Evelyn was having a one person mosh pit inside of me today. You would think a one person mosh pit couldn't do much damage, but you would be wrong. It was super painful. Then we got into the birth center and she settled down like nothing had ever happened. I have no idea why she suddenly went crazy there. 

Food cravings:  Fruit and cookies. :( I give in to the fruit one all the time...trying to give in to the cookies less! 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Having some heartburn after eating now and also when laying down. I am not a fan and it makes me a little queasy. 

Gender: Baby girl. 

Labour signs: Had some intense Braxton Hicks the other night in the shower. I drank a LOT of water and laid down and they eventually stopped. But nothing else, thank goodness! 

Symptoms: Swollen feet and ankles...thanks summer. Heartburn...wish that had never started. That's a new one this week. One person mosh pit...also new. 

Belly button in or out? Closer and closer to flat! Looking a little bruised too? 

Wedding rings on or off? On! Victory! 

Happy or moody most of the time: I just cry all the time. We showed up a day early to my appointment and I cried. I cried this morning because I thought we were poor. I cried the other day because I thought it was bedtime but really it was only 8 pm. I'm a mess. 

Looking forward to: so much to look forward to, but I feel like I should save it for my next blog post, which will be on time and will even feature the chalkboard door! We are hardly ever home and when we are, both of us are sleeping. So, the chalkboard has taken a back seat to life...I'm just happy to have some sort of picture documenting each week of pregnancy!