Monday, April 25, 2016

Eight months old!


Weight: 17 lbs 4 oz (1/2 lb gain) 

Diaper size: Still cloth diapers and a size 3 in disposables! 

Clothing size: she still fits in 6 months, but I went ahead and pulled out her 6-9, 6-12, and 9 month clothes so she would have more options hahaha.  

Nicknames: Miss E, Miss Priss, Baby girl, mama

Sleep: once upon a time I read that at 4 months, Evelyn would cut out her fourth nap. Well, at 8 months I think she's finally done it!! She takes short naps at 9 and 12 and a long nap at 2. She's usually asleep by 8:30 (8 on a perfect night) and wakes up a few times a night to nurse. I refuse to transfer her to a crib until she is sleeping through the night. I basically sleep through her nursing and I can't imagine getting out of bed to nurse. I wouldn't get any sleep!! 

Medical issues: STILL no teeth!! She chews on her hands and her teethers all the time, but nothing! 

This month Evelyn got a stomach bug for the THIRD TIME in five months. What the heck, kid??? One downside to cosleeping is vomit in your hair. Okay, I think that's just a downside to parenting. I was nursing Evelyn, then she was laying on my tummy and next thing I know she is throwing up all over me!! This happened two more times. I took four showers in a 24 hour period. Ugh. 

Diet: Evelyn is still mainly breastfed, and still loves her solids. She gets so mad if we eat in front of her and don't share. When we eat out I have to carefully consider what I order to make sure there is something Evelyn can eat. Luckily she loves tomatoes and I hate them, so she takes care of that for me! 

Milestones: the baby is officially crawling!! She started about a week ago. At first, you could tell it was taking so much brain power. She would move one hand, then the next. Then the left leg....then she would lift her right leg and freeze. It would take her a moment to figure out what to do next. It was so funny!! Now she's much more fluid and gaining speed, though if she really wants to go dash, she just scoots around! 

Evelyn said dada! She's said it a few times but we're still not sure she 100% knows what dada means. We DO know that she is now waving! She wakes up, sees me and starts waving! When you say hi, she waves! When she sees someone new, she waves! I feel like this makes her super advanced, my mom does not. Well, I decided my opinion matters more haha.  

She also learned how to crawl up stairs! She's only able to do it on carpeted stairs, but she definitely crawled up two stairs at Jovie's house and laughed the whole way up. 

Likes: Peek-a-boo, giving and getting kisses, being able to crawl, chewing on things, naps, cuddles, spoons, swinging, hiding under blankets, being tickled, BUBBLES, being SCARED - like jump out of your skin scared...she definitely didn't get that from me! 

Dislikes: being woken up before she's ready, being hungry, mommy not feeding her fast enough, mommy not getting ready for bed fast enough,the doctor, shots, mommy leaving the room, people eating in front of her, short naps, mommy tutoring 

Firsts: Evelyn was supposed to go to the zoo for the first time this month but that still hasn't happened. Sigh. Other than that, she has a pretty exciting month! Evelyn went to her first bunny petting zoo! She liked it until Jovie got upset, then she started crying. We only got three minutes with the bunnies but both girls were so distraught that we left early haha! She also got to meet the Easter bunny that day; she was fascinated by him! We had an Easter party at Sarah's house and made Easter crafts. Adorable! And Evelyn went to her first Easter egg hunt. It was during nap time and she hated it. Enough said. 

Of course, Evelyn celebrated her first Easter at compass Roanoke! It was held in a tent on the land where the building will be built this year! Such a neat experience. She had her first trip to the Fort Worth science and history museum, which was fun. We didn't get to dig for dinosaurs, so we definitely need to do that next time. We also went to steel city pops and Evelyn got her first taste of popsicle, yum! 

I tandem wore Jovie and Evelyn for the first time when both girls decided to meltdown at the same time! And we went to the Happy Lark for the first time. This was so fun! It's a neat little store and play place down by hulen mall. We got to meet the baby guy at an event, which was super exciting for me haha. We played at White's Chapel for the first time and went to new story times at the Roanoke and Watauga libraries! Holy crap we did a lot of new things this month!! 

Baby gear we love: Evelyn likes toys with mirrors and toys that make sounds. We still love our Tula and Beco. She is obsessed with keys and cries if I take mine away, so mom bought her a pair of her own keys. They're pretty realistic so it's slightly less traumatic to take away my keys as long as she has her replacement. She also likes her new toy that has compartments she can open and close. And she loves playing with calculators and computers and pretending to do work like a grown up. 

Things To Remember: Evelyn is the happiest and most cuddly baby. I love snuggling up to her and seeing her smile. I wish she would always love us as much as she does now. It's so hard to imagine her growing up, but she is getting so big so quickly! I love watching her grow and learn; you can literally see her brain working. I am so blessed by this baby. She is perfect and exactly what we needed. 

Monthly photo dump! 

Evelyn was making the best faces this day. 

Intrigued by the Easter bunny! 

This bow is life. 

Serious baby at work. 

Our early morning on Easter called for coffee. (Evelyn gets her own empty coffee cup when we're at church so she doesn't PANIC over her intense desire to drink whatever we are drinking) 

See above photo...Easter margaritas...Evelyn HAD to have one. Hahaha

Easter goodies! 

How many babies can you fit on one swing?? Me, Abigail, Evelyn and Kennedy! 

These were my pjs when I was a baby!! 

Best friends at the science museum! 

I so wish this was better quality. This was the first time she was excited to see the baby in the mirror! 

This is how photo shoots go now. Sitting still? Not happening! 

Matching at MOPS! 

Climbing on the play mats at Sarah's house! 

Playing at White's Chapel

It's rough being a baby. 

The bubble machine BLEW HER MIND. 

Evelyn is 100% Mike's child without a bow on.