Total weight gain/measurements: 14 lbs - down two from last week! We'll see for sure tomorrow, when I go back for my 38 weeks appointment. I really can't get over losing weight while pregnant haha.
Maternity clothes: Still wishing I had long sleeve maternity shirts even though it's not cold. I look wayyy more pregnant in maternity shirts, which cracks me up.
Sleep: I finally got something for my restless legs and bedtime has been going so much better. I'm able to fall asleep and stay asleep, minus waking up to pee every two or so hours. I guess I'm getting ready for having a newborn again!
Best moment this week: I finished all my Christmas shopping! We survived Thanksgiving...yes, survived. It was the weirdest holiday ever. We also went to Mainstay farms which Evelyn LOVED. She saw "ho ho." I told her that he had candy so she went up to him and said "trick or treat!" We are now practicing saying "Merry Christmas!" HAHA. Mom and I got pedicures on Saturday, so I got all my pre-baby pampering done. Whew!
Miss anything? Chick fil a.
Movement: I'm still anxious and crazy, but he's been moving a lot today. I just have had a lot of anxiety this weekend!!
Food cravings: Nothing really...I crave the day when I'm not eating eggs for breakfast. LOL
Anything making you queasy or sick? I'll have a little bit of nausea randomly, but not too bad.
Gender: Baby boy
Labor signs: Lost some more of my mucus plug haha. That's so gross, but whatever, this is my blog. I don't usually do dilation checks because they don't really mean anything until you're in labor, but I am so tempted to find out this time. Maybe next week. I had a little bit of contractions the night before Thanksgiving but nothing really since then.
Symptoms: Big
belly, constantly running to the bathroom, baby kicks, a little bit of acne - which sucks because I haven't really had any this pregnancy. Ugh.
Belly button in or out? Still out. Love it.
Wedding rings on or off? Off. Can't wait to get them resized post baby so I can wear them again!
Happy or moody most of the time: Moody - I've been so anxious lately. I constantly feel like I'm on the verge of a breakdown.
Looking forward to: My 38 weeks midwife appointment is tomorrow -I can't believe I'm already that far along!! Evelyn goes back to school on Wednesday, thank God, because I need that for my sanity. Taking milk bath photos with Jen at some point this week, which will be super fun! Baby celebration lunch with some of my closest friends on Thursday annnnd mom and I are taking Evelyn to a Christmas tea party on Saturday. I LOVE this time of year. I am so torn between wanting baby boy to come soon and wanting to do ALL THE CHRISTMAS THINGS!
37 weeks with Evelyn and 37 weeks with baby boy.
37 weeks with Evelyn and 37 weeks with baby boy.