Tuesday, October 10, 2017

29/30 weeks

How far along? 30 weeks, 5 days

Total weight gain/measurements: 20 lbs!! I actually lost three lbs at my last appointment! Thanks gestational diabetes! 

Maternity clothes: Still just LuLaRoe. Why change what isn't broken? I've saved so much money not buying maternity clothes this time around!

Sleep: I am sleeping terribly, but I am also feeling a bit more energy than I was before. Turns out when you eat really healthy and workout, you have more energy. I actually haven't taken a nap in about a week! I can't believe it either, guys. 

Best moment this week: We had so much fun on our little getaway to Tyler! We watched ducks at the lake, let Evelyn swim in the pool (it was outdoors and cold, but she loved it!), and we ran over a deer. WHAT? Yes, mom drove over a deer and by the grace of God we didn't die. Also, Fit4Baby started last week, and I LOVE it! It's like body back but for pregnant moms. It is such a good workout and especially designed for this stage of life. 

Miss anything? Sweets. Chick fil a. Margaritas. 

Movement: He's really upped his movement lately. I love it!! I'll never complain about good movement. 

Food cravings: I ran out of sweet potatoes the other day and I've been missing them ever since. I don't even know who I am anymore. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really! Thank goodness. 

Gender: Baby boy

Labor signs: No! Not even any braxton hicks because I am staying crazy hydrated! 

Symptoms: Big belly, itchy hands, terrible sleep

Belly button in or out? Not much change here. Still sticking a little out on the top.

Wedding rings on or off? Off, because I"m so itchy!!! :( 

Happy or moody most of the time: I think I've been happier lately, but I'm also 30 weeks pregnant, so I'm probably moody and just blocking it out. 

Looking forward to: Back to the midwife on Wednesday! And we have a fun weekend planned with a church date night Friday night and our street block party is Saturday night. And mayyyyybe we'll be going down to Mainstay Farms in Cleburne on Sunday! Plus I think Scott is going to be here this weekend. Woohoo!