Monday, June 26, 2017

Week 15 ... probably not having a baby goat

How far along? 15 weeks, 6 days

Total weight gain/measurements: 6 lbs.  

Maternity clothes: Loooove my maternity shorts. Haven't ventured into maternity tops yet. 

Sleep: Sleep hasn't been too bad, actually! Evelyn is even sleeping in her own bed all night long! I never thought I'd see the day. 

Best moment this week: We got to see the baby today. Baby had their hand up by their mouth. Sweeeeet. 

Miss anything? Margaritas. CHEESE. My hands are all broken out and I haven't even eaten cheese in over a week so I'm pretty much about to give up on this dairy free diet and just eat all the cheese ever!!!!! 

Movement: Still feeling little bitty flutters every so often. Nothing consistent, obviously, but still something!  

Food cravings:  Fruit and cool blue gatorade. Cheese. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Still just having random nausea. I need to eat more consistently. That always helps! 

Gender: So Lissa said she was 80% certain she knew what the gender was, but she wouldn't tell us UGH. I am voting girl, Mike is voting boy. Evelyn votes for a goat. Please, God, don't let this baby be a goat.   

Labour signs: Having some braxton hicks after I was too busy this weekend. I need to remember to take is slow!  

Symptoms: Today I am very tired. My hands are in super terrible eczema mode. Some nausea, but that's getting better. Feeling very large and in charge. 

Belly button in or out? In.  

Wedding rings on or off? Off. I feel like my eczema would be even worse with them on! 

Happy or moody most of the time: Mike says moody. I would probably have to agree with him. 

Looking forward to: Lissa let us move our anatomy scan to 19 weeks from 21 and I am SO EXCITED!!!!! I'm so ready to find out the gender! Really nothing exciting happening this week... oh well! 

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Week 14 ... here we go again!

How far along? 14 weeks, 5 days

Total weight gain/measurements: 3 lbs, but we'll see for real when we go back on Wednesday.  

Maternity clothes: It's either maternity shorts or LuLaRoe. I started wearing maternity shorts sooo early this time around. I'm giant compared to my pregnancy with Evelyn hahaha. 

Sleep: Last night was AWESOME. I woke up twice - once in a panic thinking Mike was locked out of the house - but I went back to sleep immediately both times. I've had some rough pregnancy insomnia this time around. 

Best moment this week: We spent lots of time in the water this week. Evelyn is such a water baby and nothing feels better than water and pregnancy! 

Miss anything? Margaritas. We went to Mi Cocina with the Reeds the other day and I made Sarah peruse the margarita menu there. The food is sub-par, but the margaritas sound AMAZING. 

Movement: I'm pretty sure I can feel the baby moving. Not all the time, mostly only when I lay down on my tummy to sleep. But, I'm not 100% certain its really the baby. Who knows! 

Food cravings:  Mashed potatoes from chicken express and watermelon.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Existing. No, it's better than that, finally. I've been really congested and that's not fun. Also, I have to eat and drink water consistently or I'm a mess. 

Gender: We have to wait till 20 weeks like the rest of humanity. UGH worst wait ever.  

Labour signs: No, thank goodness! 

Symptoms: I'm still so tired, still have some nausea, lots of round ligament pain. My eczema is out of control.   

Belly button in or out? In.  

Wedding rings on or off? I haven't worn either since the end of my pregnancy with Evelyn. My fingers never shrunk. Go figure. 

Happy or moody most of the time: Soooo moody. I am a cranky pregnant lady. Also, I sobbed through church today. Idk what Compass was thinking showing the movie Lion. It was terribly depressing and I wound up leaving so I could go cuddle with Evelyn because I couldn't hang. 

Looking forward to: Our first second trimester appointment is Wednesday!! Also, I have a desperately needed haircut on Wednesday. What an exciting day!! Andddd on Saturday I have my first vendor event with LuLaRoe. It's from 10-6, so we'll see if I make it the whole time. That's a LONG time to be on your feet when pregnant. Anyone have any shoes to recommend? None of mine are supportive.