Weight: 17 lbs 7 oz (3 oz gain)
Diaper size: Still cloth diapers and a size 3 in disposables!
Clothing size: she still fits in 6 months, but I pulled out her 6-9, 6-12, and 9 month clothes. Then she flew threw them. Now I'm bored again. So we bought some more. We'll see how this goes. She's not growing very fast!
Nicknames: Miss E, Miss Priss, Baby girl, mama
Sleep: she wakes up with me at 7 am, naps on the way to and from fit4mom (20-30 minute naps), and takes a long nap around 2 pm. Then she goes to bed at 8 pm typically. Lately she's been making me CRAZY and waking up all night long to nurse. It's so aggravating but everyone says it's developmental and will get better soon, so I am holding out hope.
Medical issues: STILL no teeth!! She chews on her hands and her teethers all the time, but nothing! Other than that, she really hasn't had any medical issues this month!
Diet: Evelyn is still mainly breastfed, and still loves her solids. She is eating a lot more solids lately, and I think she would probably eat more if I let her. She LOVES food! She also loves her milk.
Milestones: Evelyn is now pulling up on things! She doesn't like to do one milestone for very long before she is moving on to the next. I blame Kennedy and Jovie for this. She is always trying to keep up with them! She is a super fast crawler and basically never does her army crawl anymore. She added two new words to her vocabulary, "woof" and "hey". She also learned how to clap!
She purposefully blows raspberries on you and she also learned how to stick out her tongue. She's a great mimic, so whenever daddy sticks out his tongue and blows, she will do it back. The two of them are hysterical together. OH and she learned how to go from crawling to sitting up! That took a LONG time to get used to. I would put her on her tummy and turn away and I would be SO CONFUSED when she was sitting up on her own! She also started dancing, which is really more like head banging. SO funny.
Likes: Peek-a-boo, giving and getting kisses, moving ALL the time, chewing on things, naps, cuddles, spoons, swinging, hiding under blankets, being tickled, BUBBLES, being SCARED - like jump out of your skin scared...she definitely didn't get that from me!
Dislikes: being woken up before she's ready, being hungry, mommy not feeding her fast enough, mommy not getting ready for bed fast enough, the doctor, shots, mommy leaving the room, people eating in front of her, short naps, mommy tutoring
Firsts: Evelyn had her first sleepover with Jovie! It was way harder on me than them, but I guess that's how sleepovers go. We went to Dove Park for the first time with our playgroup and that was super fun! We had a neighborhood party and Evelyn really enjoyed that compared to the Easter egg hunt! She also got to try a lemon chill for the first time and she thought that was the greatest treat ever! We went to our first Fit4Mom class and fell IN LOVE. Well, I did. I am still working with Evelyn on surviving an hour in the stroller. Seriously, it's an hour. Whatever.
We celebrated our first Mother's Day as a family of three. It was so special to be recognized as a mother with a living child. I held her extra close that day and appreciated a Mother's Day without tears.
We went swimming for the first time and she LOVED it. Of course, she loves bath time, so it wasn't really a surprise that she would like the pool. We also went to our first outdoor concert with Leslie and Violet and daddy. She did a great job even though we stayed up past her bedtime and she danced to the music. Evelyn FINALLY made it to the zoo!! She made a stinky face the entire time, and I think she enjoyed looking at fences and waterfalls more than the animals, but I really enjoyed it and I was glad we got to go for the first time as a family.
Baby gear we love: Evelyn still likes noisy toys and keys. She also likes to play with anything she can pull up on, so we bought a cube from Sarah that she loves. It also has doors that open and close and she likes to play with those. She really finds almost anything to be a toy, so she's pretty easy to entertain! She likes her stroller and going on walks (as long as she is moving the whole time). Evelyn has also started to show interest in her taggie blanket!
Things To Remember: I always want to remember the way she turns and finds me in the morning, as if making sure I'm still there. The way her whole face lights up when she sees me. The way she calms down when she sees me in the mirror when she's upset in the car. I love being her whole world. I am so blessed to be her mommy.
Monthly photo dump!
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Chewing on baby dolls at Kennedy's house! |
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She loves this little ride on toy at Jovie's |
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This was when Evelyn first started pulling up on things. What a great helper she will be one day! |
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Clearly she is ready to go. I thought I had 15 more years before I had to worry about the baby on the road! |