Thursday, January 21, 2016

Five beautiful months


Weight: 15 lbs, 12 oz (2 lbs exactly!)

Diaper size: She still wears cloth diapers 90% of the day, but at night she wears a size two diaper. She's getting a little long for size 2, but size 3s are still too big for her! Luckily she hasn't leaked or anything in the size 2s so we are still okay. 

Clothing size: Well, she still fits in SOME 0-3, but most of her three month pants are too short and some of her three month onesies too. She's in three to six or six month pants mostly. 

Nicknames: Miss E, Miss Priss, Baby girl

Sleep: Well, she's no longer "sleeping through the night" (in my definition of 8-10 hours of glorious, uninterrupted sleep), but she is sleeping through the night in baby terms (5-6 hours of uninterrupted sleep). She sleeps from 8 or 9 till 3-4 am, then we wake up at 6:45 for the day. Usually when she wakes up to nurse, she quickly nurses and then falls right back asleep, thank goodness! 

Medical issues: Around Christmas, I decided to finally give in and truly go dairy free. While I had previously been limiting my dairy intake, Evelyn's green and mucusy poops just weren't getting better. The day after Christmas, I cut dairy out (except for sneaky dairy that I don't realize I'm getting in restaurant food) and for the most part it got a lot better. Today (January 21st), I did take Evelyn to the dr for blood in her poop. The dr said it was just a small tear, to keep up the dairy free lifestyle, and that I shouldn't panic. (TECHNICALLY the last two sentences should go in next month's blog since her five month birthday has already passed, but whatever. I'd probably forget by then...although it is totally terrifying to see blood in your baby's poop!) 

Last week (January 13th), Evelyn started running a fever ranging from 99-101. I was freaking out because Jovie had a virus and Kennedy had strep and I really didn't want my sweet girl to have either of those things! It wasn't until Friday the 15th that I realized she had a little tooth below the surface! It's still hanging out below the surface, not ready to poke through, but she is otherwise fine. 

Diet: Still completely breastfed, though we did go to a starting solids class. We are waiting until Evelyn is able to sit up on her own and has lost her tongue thrust to start solids. Then we will begin with baby led weaning. We plan on her first meal being avocado, I believe! 

Milestones: Oh, so many! She now very intently watches people as they move around the room. If you go too far, she will fling her body around to be able to still see you. If you're holding her while this happens, hold on tight because she WILL flip out of your arms! She can put basically anything in her mouth and does this every chance she gets. She is learning to not hate the baby in the mirror, which is a BIG deal, because before she HATED that baby and would make terrible faces are her. She definitely is getting really good at letting us know how she feels - you can tell when she is impatient or cranky or tired!! But, she's also started that beautiful baby cackle to let us know when she is happy and excited. She has become a really confident roller! She can even combine up to three rolls in an attempt to get places! 

Likes: Peek-a-boo, giving and getting kisses (FINALLY!), snuggles with mommy and daddy, playing on the play mat, rolling around, tummy time, her banana teether, her bunny

Dislikes: being woken up before she's ready, being hungry, mommy not feeding her fast enough, mommy not getting ready for bed fast enough, car rides at night, waking up and not seeing mommy's face RIGHT AWAY

Firsts: of course the two biggest are that Evelyn had her first Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years! It was so nice celebrating with our sweet baby. She was awake most of Thanksgiving but she slept most of Christmas, so we opened her presents for her. Of course she got the most presents of anyone. Stinker. The Sunday after thanksgiving, Evelyn went to Sunday school for the first time. I was so nervous but she did great! It helps that we go to the best church ever and have the best nursery staff ever. 

Evelyn went to her first Christmas parade (it was kind of meh) and she met Santa for the first time! She spent her first day with daddy without mommy around. They went shopping and had so much fun! We went to the Kimball museum for the first time and played in the kids museum. She also napped while we looked at the art, which is how I feel about art too. 

We took a road trip down to camp so Evelyn got to meet Hairspray and Keane and Yogi! And last weekend, Evelyn had her baby dedication at church. Afterward we had friends and family over to celebrate and eat lunch. It was so fun; our friends and family are such a blessing. 

Baby gear we love: OMG we are obsessed with Evelyn's banana toothbrush. She chews on it ALL the time. We also really like the grape vibrating teether. I couldn't make it through the day without the Beco. Ain't nancy got us a Tula so now we have lots of options for babywearing!! Now that Evelyn is older and more active, she really likes her play mat! 

Things To Remember: she makes this little demon sound that is so funny. I love the way she smiles at me when she wakes up (on her own terms). Actually, the way she lights up when she sees Mike and me at any time of the day. Although sometimes I wish I could put her down and eat in peace, I love how much she needs me and wants to be in my arms. I love having her so close to me all the time and I know a day will come when she doesn't want me to be around 24/7. That will be a terribly sad day! 

Monthly Photo Dump!

This vibrating teether is basically the best thing that ever happened to Evelyn. 
We had dinner with the Reed's and made Evelyn and Kennedy do a photoshoot hahaha
Mike kept Evelyn by himself on Christmas Eve since he had the day off. 
Evelyn loves her Uncle Scott! 
She also loves her Joe Mo! 
I can't wait for the days when it is easy to find matching pjs for all three of us! 
Christmas proved to be too much for baby girl. Naptime in the beco saved the day! 
One day I walked into the playroom after putting Jovie down for a nap and found Evelyn sleeping like this haha! 
This is how meal times go when Evelyn is awake, She leans back in the beco and watches my every move.
Practicing her froggy sitting!

Checking out the mobile Uncle Scott bought her for Christmas.
Chillin with MamaD!

Sup Ma?
Peace, dude. 
Evelyn, in case you're ever wondering, you spend so much time with MamaD. She just doesn't always make the photos. 
Squishy baby watching football with daddy. 
iPad games with MamaD
Starfish baby! 
Playdate at Miss Sarah's house! 

Evelyn's first time in the piano stepper at Sarah's house.

Big thanks to Sarah for hooking us up with all the toys her girls don't use anymore...even though Evelyn still sometimes prefers her toes!
My little chunk!

Even though she was running a fever, Evelyn still had time to play on her play mat! 

Evelyn is OBSESSED with lamps. I was trying to nurse her but she got so distracted by the lamp that she gave me a hickey on my arm. 
Chilly weather calls for a reindeer outfit, obviously! 
The full view. AMAZING. 
Baby dedication at church

Four Months

Height: 25.7 inches (1.7 inches in a month) 

Weight: 13 lbs 12 oz (1.5 lbs in a month) 

Diaper size: Size two, though she only wears disposables at night time. 

Clothing size: Fully in 3 month clothing!

Monthly Photo Dump
I am not known for my ability to swaddle. This happens almost every time I try. 

Nursing at the Magnolia Market in Waco on our way to our first vacation!
We nearly froze to death, but it was so pretty at the Silos.

Peeking over the couch at the condo

More mommy swaddle failure

Exploring new sounds

Taking selfies with MamaD

My angry elf (she hates waking up before she's ready!)

After nursing, she was much less angry! 
Daddy's first time babywearing! Later this day he fell off the ladder. :(

Evelyn's first time in a stroller with Miss Kennedy peeking from behind!

No baby blog is complete without a chubby baby in a diaper photo. 
Sweet baby needed a pick me up before Santa (NO I DID NOT REALLY GIVE THE BABY STARBUCKS GUYS)

It happens. 

Reading a Christmas book with daddy.