Happy Two Months!
Weight: 11 pounds (2 lbs in a month)
Diaper size: Still size one
Clothing size: Newborns and 0-3 months. Sometimes she can fit into 3 months! Newborns are getting too short...she still fits weight wise.
Nicknames: Baby bird, baby dinosaur, mama, little bitty, Miss Priss
Sleep: She is becoming the best sleeper! On an average night we always get 5 hours. But lately she has been playing more and more with 6 and 7 hour nights!! I love it. She takes great naps in the morning but after her long wake period in the afternoon, she struggles to fall asleep unless I'm laying down with her.
This was Evelyn's going home outfit. At two months, it is still too big! |
Diet: Still exclusively breastfed! I am so happy that she and I have had minimal struggles with breastfeeding. It's so easy to feed her versus remembering to bring formula and bottles and cleaning bottles and all of that.
Milestones: She has been awesome at hitting all of her developmental milestones! This past month she has been smiling LIKE CRAZY! I love making her smile. My favorite is when I pick her up after a nap and she stretches and then gives me this small smile after she opens her eyes. OMG heart melting. Occasionally she was turning toward sounds when people talked, but this last weekend, she heard dad come in the room and she very deliberately turned when she heard him talking so she could find him. Amazing! Now she is quick to find where the noise is coming from.
A girl after my own heart. Intently watching Harry Potter. |
Likes: Mommy's milk, sleeping in someone's arms - but especially mine, the tummy time pillow at Jovie's house, being held, the baby carriers, kisses, bath time, pajama time with daddy
Dislikes: kisses, being put down for more than 10 minutes, ...I can never think of anything she dislikes except not being held! She is such a sweet, happy baby!
Firsts: She had her first real smile this month. Ugh, we are such suckers for that smile! She went on her first trip out to the cabin, which was also her first overnight without daddy. Pajama time was not the same without him! She also went on her first train ride to the State Fair! She slept almost the whole time we were there, nursed on the first train ride home, then was a happy camper on the second train. Everyone commented on how precious she was. (FYI if you ever want to go to the state fair when it's not crowded, go on a school night! It was also way cooler temperature wise.) She went to her first Halloween party at the Fort Worth Babywearers group - she was a motorcycle babe! She went to the pumpkin patch and slept the entire time. We also visited my friends at Heritage Elementary and gave them all baby fever. And Evelyn met some of my friends, Kim, Trisha and Tiny.
Passed out at nap time. |
Baby gear we love: We actually have things we love this month! I was so lucky and managed to get my own uppymama ring sling for half the price of a new one. I also got a brand new beco gemini for less than retail price. Evelyn of course loves both. Now that I've started nannying, she takes her first morning nap in the beco every day. The ring sling is great for quick ups and chores around the house. We BOTH love our baby carriers. Evelyn also loves the newborn boppy and tummy time pillow at Jovie's house. I'm able to put her down for a little while if she's on one of those, which is nice. Mom also bought her a play mat that we both really like. It plays music and has an octopus that is in the perfect position for her to kick. Also, she now loves to be swaddled again. It's the only way to get her to sleep!
Things To Remember: The serious, grumpy faces she started making this month. The way she tries to imitate you - especially smiles, blowing bubbles and sticking out her tongue. The sweet way she smiles when she wakes up. Those big stretches when she wakes up. How amazingly precious and sweet she is. Those chubby arm rolls. The intense love she makes us feel!
Monthly Photo Dump!
Benny generally ignores Evelyn...but sometimes we force him to love her. |
This was our first time playing on the activity mat at home. |
This is how Lucy felt about us playing on the activity mat for the first time. :| |
In case you were wondering who Evelyn looks like, the answer is me. |
Evelyn's first modeling gig, representing Young Living. ;) |
Extra pictures from our trip to the pumpkin patch! |
She bumped her head but after this she immediately went back to sleep. |
This is what pajama time is like without daddy. |
Evelyn was asleep and didn't even wake up when I stuck her toes in the pool! |
Can't wait to go back next Summer and swim with her! |
Toes in the sand at Lake Palestine. |
Giving Trisha baby fever. |
Celebrating the Future (now actual!) Mrs. Cameron. |