Sunday, November 15, 2015

Three months young

 24 inches (.5 inches in a month - maybe. I forgot to measure her before we went on vacation.) 

Weight: 12 lbs 6 oz pounds (1.5 lbs in a month - again, didn't get a chance to weigh her in the past two weeks, so maybe more!)

Diaper size: Size two :( size one would probably still fit fine, but Mike disagrees so we moved up lol. However, I finally made the switch to cloth diapers! Yay! 

Clothing size: 0-3 months in gap, 3 months in everything else. Some 3 months are too big and some fit perfectly, but newborn is officially too small! :(

Nicknames: Baby dinosaur, mama, miss priss, baby

Sleep: She slept for 8 hours straight the other night!! This baby is a beast sleeper! I love it. We wake up at 6:45, she naps from 7:30-8:30/9, naps again for an hour around 11-12, dozes in and out all afternoon, then takes another solid nap around 6 or 7 pm. We go to bed together from 8:30-9. 

Medical issues: Well, we got our first illness this month. Last Friday (November 13th), Evelyn threw up all over herself at Jovie's house. She hasn't thrown up since, but she has had some super gross poops and spit up a lot. She gets pretty cranky when her stomach starts hurting. My poor baby!

Diet: Still exclusively breastfed. She did get her first bottle of breastmilk when we went to Tiny's wedding and took it like a champ. I hate pumping so I am really grateful Evelyn comes to work with me so I don't have to bother!

Milestones: she has figured out she can grasp things and bring them to her mouth, so that is very exciting for her. She can make a "hi," "ha," and "ahh" sound. She is trying so hard to laugh! She can turn to find whoever is making noise and she tracks things with her eyes. She cried real tears which was AWFUL. She was upset because we changed her diaper. She might be a diva. So weird, no idea where she got that from. AND, she found her hands!

Likes: sucking on EVERYTHING, cuddling with mommy and daddy, practicing sitting and standing, making dinosaur noises, making any noises, feet kisses

Dislikes: having her picture taken, having a tummy ache, not being held

Firsts: we started a new job together. On Evelyn's second month birthday, I started nannying a little girl who lives close to us! So Evelyn had her first friend. Evelyn had her first Halloween. We went to a carnival at the Compass Colleyville campus. Then on Halloween we went to trunk or treat at the Fort Worth Birthing Center and that night we passed out candy while sitting around the fire pit in our driveway. It was so much fun and everyone loved seeing the baby all bundled up. Evelyn went to her first football game! It was very loud. I don't know why this surprised me. Evelyn and I almost jumped out of our skin every time Brock scored a touchdown because they played this horrible train sound. The score was like 67-7 so there were LOTS of train horns. Ugh. 

After she threw up everywhere on the 13th, she took her first shower with mommy. She had a death grip on my hair, but I think she liked it. We went to Evelyn's first if:gathering at church! The next day we went to her first post-golf tournament dinner. She was the belle of the ball. Everyone wanted to hold her and told me how precious she was. She went to her first warehouse sale. I bought her a pair of toms that are way too big. I can't wait to try them on her! She took a bath with daddy, once again because she spit up everywhere. Being sick led to lots more baths than usual! AND we went to our first story time at the Keller library. I loved it. Evelyn was in my lap so I have no idea how she really felt about it, except she didn't lose her mind and throw a fit, so that was good. 

Baby gear we love: we still love the ring sling and Beco Gemini. It is the biggest lifesaver! She has mixed feelings about some of the things she liked last month. I think being sick made her much more needier, so the only gear she really likes is the kind that puts her as close to me as possible haha. She does really like the pink nap lounger at mom and dad's house...but that's about it. 

Things To Remember: I love the sweet way she curls her body around me when she naps. I like the creepy way she licks me when she's close to my chest, like in the carrier. I love the way she needs me and that when she hears my voice, she immediately turns to find me. I love the way she looks at Mike and their precious bedtime routine. I love being a family of three!! 

Monthly Photo Dump!

Thoughtful baby life 

She would not chill out on our walk until I picked her up. So I was pushing Jovie in the double stroller and holding Evelyn one armed. 


I've been able to get her to nap alone like three times. Swaddling helps! 

Spooky skeleton for Halloween. 

Thanks to Heidi for the cute Halloween onesie! 

Cuddling with daddy. This was one of the last times she wore newborn pjs because obv she was too tall! 

Chewing on the Beco at the Brock football game. Brrr. 

I tried giving her a pacifier so she wouldn't chew on the Beco. Note the confused face. After this photo, she dramatically spit it out. 

Wearing her new winter hat thanks to Lily! 

Before if:gathering in her cute Polo dress! 

She was unimpressed with my efforts to take her picture in this PRECIOUS dress before the golf tournament dinner. 

Watching the fight with daddy. Her tummy was too upset to go to bed, so we kept her up later until she felt a little better. 
We realized the bib could be a super hero cape and made her fly. She had mixed feelings about this. 

Story time with daddy. 

Best cure for a tummy ache? Spitting up on daddy's head. 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Two months young

 Happy Two Months!

Height: 23.5 inches (1.5 inches in a month) 

Weight: 11 pounds (2 lbs in a month)

Diaper size:  Still size one

Clothing size: Newborns and 0-3 months. Sometimes she can fit into 3 months! Newborns are getting too short...she still fits weight wise. 

Nicknames: Baby bird, baby dinosaur, mama, little bitty, Miss Priss

Sleep: She is becoming the best sleeper! On an average night we always get 5 hours. But lately she has been playing more and more with 6 and 7 hour nights!! I love it. She takes great naps in the morning but after her long wake period in the afternoon, she struggles to fall asleep unless I'm laying down with her. 

This was Evelyn's going home outfit.
At two months, it is still too big!
Medical issues: We thought maybe she was having some acid reflux issues, but it has calmed down a lot, so we aren't very concerned. I also am wondering if she has some dairy sensitivities. I've been cutting down on dairy - not cutting it out, but not seeking it out either - and that has helped with the mucusy poop. 

Diet: Still exclusively breastfed! I am so happy that she and I have had minimal struggles with breastfeeding. It's so easy to feed her versus remembering to bring formula and bottles and cleaning bottles and all of that. 

Milestones: She has been awesome at hitting all of her developmental milestones! This past month she has been smiling LIKE CRAZY! I love making her smile. My favorite is when I pick her up after a nap and she stretches and then gives me this small smile after she opens her eyes. OMG heart melting. Occasionally she was turning toward sounds when people talked, but this last weekend, she heard dad come in the room and she very deliberately turned when she heard him talking so she could find him. Amazing! Now she is quick to find where the noise is coming from. 

A girl after my own heart.
Intently watching Harry Potter. 
I really need to write these blog posts before her month because in the past week she has done all these things, but they technically belong in next month's blog. UGH. Maybe next month I will be more prepared. 

Likes: Mommy's milk, sleeping in someone's arms - but especially mine, the tummy time pillow at Jovie's house, being held, the baby carriers, kisses, bath time, pajama time with daddy

Dislikes: kisses, being put down for more than 10 minutes, ...I can never think of anything she dislikes except not being held! She is such a sweet, happy baby! 

Firsts: She had her first real smile this month. Ugh, we are such suckers for that smile! She went on her first trip out to the cabin, which was also her first overnight without daddy. Pajama time was not the same without him! She also went on her first train ride to the State Fair! She slept almost the whole time we were there, nursed on the first train ride home, then was a happy camper on the second train. Everyone commented on how precious she was. (FYI if you ever want to go to the state fair when it's not crowded, go on a school night! It was also way cooler temperature wise.) She went to her first Halloween party at the Fort Worth Babywearers group - she was a motorcycle babe! She went to the pumpkin patch and slept the entire time.  We also visited my friends at Heritage Elementary and gave them all baby fever. And Evelyn met some of my friends, Kim, Trisha and Tiny. 
Passed out at nap time. 

Baby gear we love: We actually have things we love this month! I was so lucky and managed to get my own uppymama ring sling for half the price of a new one. I also got a brand new beco gemini for less than retail price. Evelyn of course loves both. Now that I've started nannying, she takes her first morning nap in the beco every day. The ring sling is great for quick ups and chores around the house. We BOTH love our baby carriers. Evelyn also loves the newborn boppy and tummy time pillow at Jovie's house. I'm able to put her down for a little while if she's on one of those, which is nice. Mom also bought her a play mat that we both really like. It plays music and has an octopus that is in the perfect position for her to kick. Also, she now loves to be swaddled again. It's the only way to get her to sleep! 

Things To Remember: The serious, grumpy faces she started making this month. The way she tries to imitate you - especially smiles, blowing bubbles and sticking out her tongue. The sweet way she smiles when she wakes up. Those big stretches when she wakes up. How amazingly precious and sweet she is. Those chubby arm rolls. The intense love she makes us feel!  

Monthly Photo Dump! 

Benny generally ignores Evelyn...but sometimes we force him to love her. 

This was our first time playing on the activity mat at home. 
This is how Lucy felt about us playing on the activity mat for the first time. :| 

In case you were wondering who Evelyn looks like, the answer is me. 

Evelyn's first modeling gig, representing Young Living. ;)
Extra pictures from our trip to the pumpkin patch! 

She bumped her head but after this she immediately went back to sleep.

This is what pajama time is like without daddy. 

Evelyn was asleep and didn't even wake up when I stuck her toes in the pool! 

Can't wait to go back next Summer and swim with her! 

Toes in the sand at Lake Palestine. 

Giving Trisha baby fever. 

Celebrating the Future (now actual!) Mrs. Cameron.  

Saturday, September 26, 2015

One Month Young

Height: 22 inches (2 inches growth)

Weight: 9 lbs 3 oz (2 lbs 4 oz growth from birth weight, 3 lbs growth from lowest weight) 

Diaper size: One :( 

Clothing size: Newborn

Nicknames: Baby bird, baby dinosaur, mama

Sleep: She typically sleeps 4 hour stretches at night!! Some days she will nap all day and other days I have to trick her to sleep. But she really sleeps well at night and I am so grateful!!

Baby girl and daddy - two days old
Medical issues: When Evelyn was two days old, we took her to a lactation consultant and Mellanie noticed that her hip was out of place. Evelyn had her first chiropractor visit at 5 days old and Dr. Jessica also mentioned her hip being out of place. At 6 days old, Evelyn went to the pediatrician and he also noticed that her hip was out of place. He scheduled us an ultrasound for Sept 25th (that was yesterday! It seemed like FOREVER AWAY when it was scheduled) to check for hip dysplasia. As someone who really suffers from anxiety, I am normally totally consumed when something like this happened, but I felt very at peace with the conversation with the doctor, like I already knew she didn't have any problems with her hips. It was a little nerve wracking waiting a month and a half to get the sonogram, but yesterday we received the EXCELLENT news that Evelyn's hips are perfect and her hip bones have already started to ossify, so she is all good to go! 
Mommy loves this grumpy face

Evelyn also struggled with her bilirubin levels and lost quite a bit of weight at first, but that was pretty quickly resolved. Other than that, she's been a pretty healthy and delightful baby! 

Diet: She's a healthy little chunk! She's been completely breastfed from day one and is a super healthy eater. Luckily my midwives and the lactation consultant were very pro-breastfeeding and didn't push formula on me when Evelyn wasn't gaining weight in the beginning. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to breastfeed because of my PCOS but we are going really strong. This is such an awesome bond, although I won't lie, there are nights at 5 am where I am OVER her being on my boobs. That's when I take her to Mike and say "Your turn!!" 

Milestones: She can lift her head for a decent amount of time. At least 10 seconds, I would say. Last Friday, she looked at me and really saw me for the first time. This was amazing!! I love looking into her eyes and knowing that she is finally looking back at me, not just gazing around. Also, we survived her first growth spurt! 

Likes: Mommy's milk, being held ALL THE TIME, being worn in the baby k'tan or ring sling, sleeping on her side, cuddling in bed with mommy, when daddy sings in a falsetto voice, the hair dryer noise, taking baths, daddy kisses.
Meeting Benny and Lucy for the first time

Dislikes: Being put down, not being fed immediately when she asks for it, having a wet diaper, having her blood taken (OMG traumatizing), daddy kisses (it depends on the day). 

Firsts: the other day we were at the Perot Museum and my mom goes "Evelyn, you are having so many firsts!" and we all started laughing because of course she's having so many firsts, she's only a month old! But here are some of the cool things we have done since Evelyn was born: went to a babywearing meeting, went to Dallas Love Field Airport, met Uncle Scott, went to the Perot Museum, visited her great grandparents, went to church, spent a looot of time at her grandparents, visited Colleyville Middle School...and probably other things. She's a busy little girl. We pretty much did nothing for three weeks, but when Scott got into town, it was a party! 

Baby gear we love: Well, at first we loved the rock and play. She laid in it all the time and would even sleep in it at night for a few days. Now she only likes it while I am showering and getting ready. Any more time than that is unacceptable. The same with the swaddle. It used to instantaneously put her to sleep, but now she cries when I put her in it. She loves the baby k'tan wrap and ring sling, and I'm obsessed with them too. I love being able to hold her close to me while having my hands free! The other day we went grocery shopping with the ring sling and it was so much better than putting her in her car seat in the buggy. She tolerates the bouncy chair, but she pretty quickly realizes that no one is holding her and gets upset. 
Milk drunk

Things To Remember: I love the little sounds Evelyn makes. I try to take videos when she is being especially expressive because I want to keep these sounds forever! I also don't want to forget how little and cuddly she is. I know she'll be independent soon enough so I need to take advantage of all the time I am required to spend holding her. 

I love this sweet baby so much. What a blessing God has given us in Evelyn Grace. Thank you for all your prayers as we struggled with loss, infertility, and all the anxiety that comes with pregnancy. Mike and I appreciate you more than you know. And another special thank you to everyone who has talked me down about breastfeeding, being a mommy, and baby diapers. Love you all! 

Monthly Photo Dump :) 

Playing the trumpet before bath time

We were not a fan of our first at home bath. 

On a walk with mommy - still jaudiced

Nap time with daddy

Facetiming with Uncle Scott

Daddy's hands are bigger than Evelyn's body almost! 

Pinterest fail HAHA

After she threw a giant fit and refused to sleep during her pictures, this is what happened as soon as Kate left. Daddy's in the background showing her how it's done. 

At one of our many doctor visits

Cozy cool

No caption needed

Watching football with daddy and Lucy
We love to take pictures snuggled with our sweet girl. 

Livin' in a Gangsta's paradise
I wish it was hoodie weather. 

Reading books with the grandparents

We love our bunny. 

Meeting Uncle Scott finally! 

Um...Evelyn...that's not a nipple. 

Our first museum trip. 

Wearing our camp tie-dye

Seriously I want to eat her up. 

I'm obsessed with her footie pajamas. 

Now we love bath time! 

Okay, I have a problem, I admit it. 

Happy One Month, Evelyn Grace!